The state of our immune system is a reflection of our daily practices and routines, but sometimes we need a little extra support. In addition to integrating yoga and bodywork into our lives, here are some simple ideas (with references) that can easily be integrated to help you maintain vibrant health:
Eat well. That means balanced, unprocessed, organic, high nutritive plant based foods. Stay away from sugar and alcohol.
Stay hydrated. This cannot be overstated. Every system in the body functions better when well hydrated.
Rest. Solid sleep as well as restorative time for your spirit. We don’t perform well physically if we aren’t getting good rest. Our immune system has the same need.
Sunlight. It gives life to every living thing. We are no exception. Vitamin D is a key player in immune resilience and it is more potent from the source!
Fresh air. Open your windows and circulate your indoor environment. Go outside! Spend long stretches of time in nature. Negative ions are natural air purifiers. We can find these in abundance around plants and moving water. The ocean is a strong negative ion factory. Utilize it!
Love and support. That’s right… social connections are critical to our health and wellness. It is so healing to connect with other living beings. Time with our pets count, too!
Develop your microbiome. Our bodies are designed to host a multitude of biome, just as the earth and our food should. GMO’s, pesticides and pharmaceutical drugs all deplete these life enhancing organisms, and make it harder to fight off illnesses. Do what you can to support your microbiome health. Eat organic. Detoxify. Fuel yourself with probiotics and fermented foods. Get your hands in the soil!
Essential oils are easily integrated to help purify the air around us. Lavender, Thyme, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Sage and Teatree have all been researched and shown to have antiviral, anti microbial and/or anti bacterial properties. I use essential oils regularly in my practice, and will be continuing to highlight these oils that have a been shown to reduce pathogens.
Ice Bath. There are mixed reports out there, but one thing is for certain… it’s a powerful practice. Perhaps the combination of pranayama with cold therapy is what does it, but in this particular study results show anti-inflammation as a significant change between the control group and participants. As inflammation appears to be related to almost all illness, this is no small finding. Find an experienced guide, though.
ALSO, if we are emotionally passive in our lives, our defense mechanisms become complacent. Practice speaking up, speaking out, sharing your truth. Psychological balance makes your entire system more resilient!
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I’m happy to help troubleshoot an integration plan with you. My goal is to support you the best I can on your healing journey.